Staff and students from MidKent College took part in an exciting trip to St George's Park- the home of the 'Ultimate Football Experience' and England's top 24 teams.

The day involved training on the park's impressive 3G pitch, as well as a 'Perform' session, which gave everyone a unique chance to enhance their knowledge of sports science, rehabilitation, and training principles, in an elite sporting environment.

Not only does St George's Park look after England's football team, it's a bespoke sports medicine rehabilitation facility with cutting edge technology, used by the students to investigate speed, agility and human movement. Neil Hemstead, Teaching and Learning Manager for Sport and Public Services, said the day was a "fantastic oppurtunity for our students to experience first-hand world class sport science and sports training facilities and services."

The day bought together a love of football and learning for Maidstone's Sport's students and was a great outing for everyone involved.

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