MidKent College Students’ Union has been recognised for its work in supporting LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans) students.

LGBT officer Rob Earp (left) with personal tutor Shanna Taylor

The union, which runs a dedicated support group called Spectrum, picked up the award for LGBT Society of the Year at the annual NUS Awards last month.

LGBT officer Rob Earp said: “I’m really proud that, for the third year in a row, MidKent College has been recognised for the support it gives to LGBT students.

“Having an effective support network through the Students’ Union is a vital way of making sure all students can make the most of their time at college.”

The SU was first recognised by the NUS in 2012 when Spectrum founder Samantha Sadler was named Further Education LGBT Activist of the Year.

And last year her successor Rob was named LGBT Student of the Year and also picked up the Society Development Award for Spectrum.

During his time at the College, Rob – who studies Animal Management at the Medway Campus – has campaigned on a number of issues affecting the LGBT community including lobbying MPs about the same-sex marriage debate and raising funds for worthy causes.

Click here for more information about MKCSU.

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