Vinnie Boatman is an apprentice on the Carpentry Level 2 apprenticeship course and works for MTR Lofts.

Russell Simmons, Vinnie’s employer at MTR Lofts said: “Over the last three to four months I have noticed a difference in Vinnie.

He has always shown up at work every day and on time, but I believe has struggled with the theory side of the apprenticeship. He has proved to me that he really can do anything if he puts his mind to it.

He has gone to College for extra unpaid training days to catch up on work. He also stayed after work for extra help and guidance on areas he struggled with. I don't think his hard work and dedication should go unnoticed.”

David Cripps, MidKent College apprentice trainer said: “Over the past two years Vinnie has struggled. I offered him 4 days of study and from then he demonstrated skills and commitment that I had not seen before from him. For his practical EPA (End Point Assessment) I was very concerned as to how he would handle the day. He was entitled to extra time however he astounded me by not only not having extra breaks, but he also stayed focussed and used all his time. He came with a positive attitude that he would give his best - and he passed.”

Vinnie said: “I have found the apprenticeship quite hard at times as I find it hard to concentrate for long periods and had the tendency to switch off. My tutor continued to teach and guide me although I believe it was probably very hard for him for most of it.

“I did study more by putting in extra days at College, starting work earlier in the mornings and staying later at night to get extra practice in, asking my boss loads more questions and taking advice to help me pass my apprenticeship. I felt like I ate, slept, and breathed college work for a while but it paid off and I passed.

“I am extremely chuffed with myself for passing and am so grateful for David my tutor and Russell my boss for giving me the opportunity to be a better version of myself.”

Congratulations Vinnie.