Cameron is currently studying here at MidKent College and this summer was given a special commendation at the staff awards for Apprentice of the Year. He is completing his Level 3 in Business Administration apprenticeship in our MIS team.

Cameron was nominated by Steve Elks, senior apprentice trainer, who said: “Cameron continues to impress on his Level 3 in Business Administration apprenticeship. He’s always willing to undertake new tasks, expanding his knowledge of college systems and government funding regulations in the process. Recently in addition to his daily activities, he has been instrumental in working with another team in MIS to produce a detailed report on student numbers for the new academic year. This was a time consuming, complex project and the results have been used by senior management. Apart from his positive attitude, Cameron has an impressively unflappable temperament and can be relied on to use his initiative to resolve many issues.”

Cameron said: “Working at MidKent College has always been a pleasure. My everyday working life fills me with excitement and some nerves. Excitement to see what can next be done in my role to help myself and the college and nerves of normal worries, timeframes, amounts of work etc. But all these things give me the great experiences that I have had and continue to have at MidKent.

The best part about working for MidKent College is developing and maintaining the necessary life and working skills I need to become a successful person. These things are encouraged and taught to me by my experienced colleagues. To have friendly and polite people around you make work and life enjoyable. I have developed great relationships with fellow colleagues. It’s a good feeling to know that something you are doing has an impact enough for you to stand out from others and be recognised.

Congratulations Cameron!

Find out more about becoming or hiring an apprentice here.